A Good Day

Monday, April 29, 2024

Post 18 - Reading Time: 3:30

This morning, as I write this blog post, I am reflecting on Sunday. It was a good day. I felt good about what I said, the comments after the service were good, and we got to fellowship afterward at Bouser’s Barn Restaurant with Sadie and Austin (who was visiting our service to see Sadie). We even had a gift coupon from some friends to pay for our meals.

It was also nice to feel like we have finally moved beyond the technical problems in our services from some failing and aging equipment. About halfway through the message I quit worrying about the equipment “hanging up” on us and I focused on what God was sharing through me. It’s a wonderful feeling to be “in the groove.” It’s nice when things just work.

It’s Just A Feeling

All these things added up to a good day and a good feeling in my soul. You need that every once in a while. A constant barrage of issues and problems wear on you. I know it’s been wearing on me. Sometimes I feel like I’m a repairman trying to stay ahead of everything that is breaking down. As you get older in life you seem to notice it more and more because you realize it’s just part of your life. You are never going to get ahead of it. It’s like my wife trying every spring to get ahead of the weeds in the flower beds. It’s constant work without lasting results.

But one thing you do notice in the midst of these constant demands—a good day. Yes, we all need a good day every once in a while. When they do come, you won’t know it until after they are over and you sit back and say, “It was a good day.”

Don’t let the anxieties of tomorrow, with all it’s problems and demands, rob you of enjoying the moment. It’s a moment of realization. You are sitting there relaxing after the day when you suddenly realize it was a good one. There is something refreshing that fills your soul and helps you face the next day when you realize today has been a good day. Maybe it’s the realization that another good day is coming soon. You don’t know when or how, but when you are sitting in it you will simply thank God for it.

Making It Happen

You can’t orchestrate a good day. You can’t make it happen through intense planning. You can only realize it and enjoy the refreshing that it brings at the day’s end. You can’t experience it moment by moment, because you won’t know it’s been a good day until it’s over. It’s the reflection that you enjoy. Not only does a good day give you a moment of enjoyment, it brings a sense of peace over your soul, no matter what you are going through over the long haul.

Susan and I frequent nursing homes and visit shut-ins. One of their most telling comments that I hear over and over again is that they recently had a good day. With all they deal with, all the restrictions on their lives, and all the pain they feel, they still notice a good day when they have one.

This tells me a good day is not beyond anyone’s reach. Yes, it’s seeing God in the little things. Yes, it’s fighting the good fight of faith in your times of trials. And, yes, it’s laying it all down at the end of each day when everything seems to have fallen apart. However, as you reflect on each day and its events, every once in a while you will have to confess, “It’s been a good day.”

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God