Pick Up the Pace

(Reading Time: 3:00) I have fallen a little behind on updating the website and posting my blogs. This is partly because I had several other things come up, like funerals, hospital visits, and our Indiana District Council last week. However, I just wanted to post a little something, even through I really have nothing to say. Well, that’s not entirely true. It’s just that saying it via a blog is a lot of work, and I’m still processing several things in my mind. Writing a weekly blog does help to keep me focused, but sometimes it is just a little more pressure than I need at the moment.

However, I thought it would be a good discipline to see if I could catch this up this week and next and get back on a regular pace by June. It’s kind of like when I got home one night at midnight, but had to have the radio show to the station the next morning by 8:00 AM. I hadn’t even started it, but I prayed, “Lord, with your help, I’ll get up at 5:00 AM, write it, record it, edit it, and send it to the radio station by the deadline.” Well, that’s exactly what I did, and it didn’t turn out too bad. Then as I listened for it that Sunday, something went wrong at the station and it didn’t even air. You never know. You just press on (they aired it the following week).

Well, thats the sum of things. No one things take a lot of time. It’s just a lot of little things that add up each week. That’s why my first blog for this year was about time management. I know it’s not some big sin I have to confess, but the Lord is dealing with me to be better at managing my time and being more disciplined in each area of my life—prayer, devotions, health, marriage, family, ministry, friends, and more! So as I post this brief blog today, I hope it will inspire you to pray for me.

I study great leaders and read many of their books, all in a effort to glean from them and adopt their ways. However, sometimes I begin feeling self-condemned and beat myself up over how short I come of where I ought to be by now. Acceptance is not my strong suit. I desire to do so much more than I am currently accomplishing. Time is short. Even if the Lord doesn’t come soon, I am approaching 60 years of age, and there is still a lot to do in my life and ministry.

As a write the goals for the remaining years of my life, I am beginning to realize some of those goals just won’t fit in the time I have left—that is, productive time. There are some things that are going to have to be set aside. I am praying for the wisdom to focus on the most important aspects of my remaining years and maximize my potential while minimizing the distractions. With God’s help I will be able to leave a legacy that the next generation can build upon and reach farther than I could ever have hoped.

I’ll be issuing another blog soon and hope to be back on schedule by June. Thank you for your prayers.

“Calvary exists to demonstrate the love of God to the families of our community!”

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Calvary Assemblies of God | 720 N Plum St Union City IN 47390 | Pastor Brian P. Jenkins |  (765) 964-3671 | www.calvaryassembliesofgod.org