Sunday, September 1, 2024 10:30 AM

GRACE | 1 of 3

An Abundance of Grace

Pastor Brian Jenkins

This month Pastor Brian starts a new three-part series focusing on the grace  we have in Jesus Christ. It a large topic in the Bible, but the intent is to focus on some foundational aspects of grace that allow us to keep moving forward free from condemnation for our failures, sins, doubts, and fears.

In this first part, Pastor Brian conveys that fact that God's grace has no limits and with his grace comes an empowering to always know that God is on our side. And when God is for us, who can be against us!

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, September 8, 2024 10:30 AM

GRACE | 2 of 3

Empowered by Grace for Service

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Pastor Brian continues the series on grace by showing us that its not our abilities that qualify us nor our inability that disqualifies us. It is trusting in his grace.

"It is by grace you are saved by faith," and this is the way you live your life from that point forward. Learning to trust in the grace of God empowers you to take on things beyond your natural ability and believe God for supernatural results.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, September 15, 2024 10:30 AM

GRACE | 3 of 3

Established by Grace

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Pastor Brian concludes his preaching series for this month by showing the difference between knowing and acting on what you know and becomesing established in it.

There comes a time when true sanctification is part of our nature, not something we have to keep reminding ourselves we should be doing.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, September 22, 2024 10:30 AM

Pulling Down Strongholds

1 of 1 | Renewing the Mind

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Pastor Brian preaches a hard hitting message about dealing with the thoughts the enemy places in our heads. We must use "the weapons of our warfare" to pull down every thought that resists the Word of God in our thought life.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, September 29, 2024 10:30 AM

Tear Off the Roof!

1 of 1 | Revealing the True Jesus

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Pastor Brian shares the story from Mark chaper 2 of when some friends let a paralyzed man down through the roof to get him to Jesus. Sometimes we need to remove the obstacles in people's lives that prevent them from seeing the true Saviour that he is. God is first and foremost the forgiver of our sin.

We must be prepared to remove all the lies, deceptions, and excuses people may have so than can clearly see who "the Son of Man" is and we too must operate God's forgiving power.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.