Sunday, October 6, 2024 10:30 AM

1st and 2nd Peter - The Series 1 of 8

A Verse by Verse Study of the Letters of Peter

Pastor Brian Jenkins

This month Pastor Brian starts a new Verse by Verse Series that will take us through an in-depth study of both of the Apostle Peter's letters to the churches.

This series is designed to let us see how to live in the midst of difficult times. There should be no compromise in our commitment to live in a way that please the Lord in spite of what those arould us choose to do. Our lifestyle should not be dictated by governments, society, or poplur opinion. It should be modeled after Jesus thorugh the revelation of his Word.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, October 13, 2024 10:30 AM

1st and 2nd Peter - The Series 2 of 8

A Verse by Verse Study of the Letters of Peter

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Pastor Brian digs into the hard stuff of the second chapter of 1st Peter. Contrary to our current culture, the Bible teaches submission to those who are over us as a form of trusting in the Lord. This seems hard when it is a corrupt government, a harsh employer, and even a husband as the head of the household.

Yet, this means we trust God to care for us in the midst of this fallen world. In short, there are only two principles of behavior that exist—submission or rebellion.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.