A Continuing Vision of Prayer

The tower at the corner of Calvary's building has long been known as "The Junk Room." Several attempts have been made to organize it, but everything that does not have a place ended up in it — all the paint, tools, materials, cleaning supplies, decorations — what a mess! It was shortly after I came to Calvary that the Lord revealed to me the possible beauty of the room and I thought that one day it would be nice if it was turned into a prayer room. I laid that "vision" aside for all the other obvious priorities that needed to be addressed.

Well, that has changed. As the Lord began to deal with me about the June Preaching Series on prayer, I began to see the need for a dedicated place of prayer. I have been praying in the study at the parsonage each day, along with my daily planning, devotions and sermon prep. From this, I came to realize that I did not have a place dedicated exclusively to prayer. Then the Lord reminded me of the old tower.

As I was finishing the June series on prayer called, The Power Within, I spent that morning in prayer in the midst of all the junk in the old tower. I pushed some stuff aside and placed a chair in the middle of the room and began to pray. That was on, Sunday, June 24th. I have been praying there every morning at 6:00 A. M. since. In my final sermon on prayer I cast the vision of transforming the tower into a prayer room and ministry of prayer, but the Lord increased that idea into a vision for a prayer center for our entire community. I expressed the vision on that same Sunday to several rounds of applause. God had already prepared the people for this new direction.

Since that day, the new prayer room has been cleaned out and gutted of all the old construction, in preparation for building a whole new interior to the room. I have been working on a design that will transform the tower into a beautiful place of prayer. I have also been working on a plan for its use and promotion. I've already asked my personal prayer team to join me there immediately before each service to lay hands on me and pray for me. I feel a greater confidence because of it and I know we are moving in the right direction again.

There is more than meets the eye going on here with the birth of this new prayer center. There has been an increasing move towards prayer in our whole church ever since the Week of Prayer this past January. Several saints come a half hour before service each week to pray. Others are experiencing a increase in their desire to pray and the time they spend praying privately. Also, as we take steps to pray together in the prayer room and to make others aware of it, there seems to be an increased anointing and a manifested presence of the Lord dwelling in the room. God is responding to our move towards him by moving towards us. Already we feel this is an answer to our prayers. As we continue, I believe there is going to be even a greater witness of his presence in our church and in our personal lives. God moves in answer to prayer.

We've added a photo gallery to our media pages on our website, which will give you updates as the work on the tower progresses. We are currently raising funds through a donation box in our church foyer, but this Fall we will actually begin a fund raising drive to complete the prayer tower. Its dedication will be during the National Week of Prayer this coming January.

Electrical work starts on the tower next week. There will be several special lighting features in the tower. One will be the ability to light the glass cross that is in the top of the tower. A wonderful brightness shines in through it during the day (now that the old ceiling was removed) and a shining hope will shine out through it at night.

The prayer center will have a kneeling altar in front of a custom stained glass window. On the floor we will design a special ceramic tile pattern and the ceiling will be a mural of the open sky with angels looking into the tower. All of this will be provided by local artists with a name for such work. We want the tower also to represent the ability and devotion of our community to prayer, the Lord's work, and our churches as a whole.

There are many more pictures in our Prayer Tower Photo Gallery. Visit it each week as we reveal each phase of the work. If you know of a local artist who would be willing to submit a design on the floor, the ceiling, or the window, have them contact us.

Fresh Move, Fresh Fire

There is a great deal of rejoicing in my heart even now, as I go to the tower each morning for prayer. I sense God's firm hand on me and have even felt the original founders of the church giving approval to a new day coming upon Calvary. We are building a church for the next generation. So often Pentecostal churches in a small community never bridge the gap between the founding generation and those that follow after. However, we now have evidence that God has shown us the way. I believe the dedication of this tower will mark the entrance into that new generation. A season of fresh fire is upon us.

As I sense something new in our church, I also sense something new in me. I probably wouldn't own up to it in the past, but like all things, once you have the victory, you don't mind sharing the previous battle. I have always been one to surround myself with a multitude of counselors. I have never derived my confidence in God alone. I've always needed to see if those who are over me in the Lord agreed with my insights. I have always been afraid to act on just the voice of God alone. However, I have received a new impartation to hear and act, speak and declare, the will and the Word of the Lord like never before. God is saying it is time to sit at his feet and listen to his Word, then boldly proclaim, "Thus saith the Lord!"

Pray for me. I have never experienced an anointing like that I have received at Calvary — for the Lord to guide me so wonderfully and completely. This encouragement in my heart I am feeling is beginning to bring a refreshing to my soul. In turn it is beginning to spill over and refresh the weary, battle worn saints of Calvary. You are great warriors in the Lord. Having cleansed the temple, let's move out now and take the fight to the enemy's camp. Our community awaits.

Now Calvary has a mighty high tower, a place of refuge, a stronghold in enemy territory, that is, our prayer tower. The enemy doesn't stand a chance. He never did.

Calvary Assemblies of God | 720 N Plum St Union City IN 47390 | Pastor Brian P. Jenkins |  (765) 964-3671 | www.calvaryassembliesofgod.org